
Case study: Burundi video production for Facebook





ABOUT:  FACEBOOK – needs no introduction, right? Caruso Company is a full-service video production agency crafting TV and web commercials, brand films, corporate media, and original content.

THE CHALLENGE – Video production in Burundi

Stark Crew has a recurrent customer from Facebook Studios, a producer. He contacted us to see if we could provide him with logistical help shoot a video production in Burundi, Africa. We’ve worked for this customer several times before, providing full crews. But this time, he had teamed up with the Caruso Company, also based in California, as his creative and technical team. In Burundi, they needed a locally-based expert to provide local knowledge, transportation, safety for the crew, and process filming permits. They also needed this expert to liaise with members of the public for an interview and find the best locations for shooting some awesome footage.

The project was a video to promote awareness and technical aspects of a workshop with the National Internet Exchange Point of Burundi. This is in collaboration with the Internet Society. After filming the Internet Society conference event on days one and two of the shoot, the team then went out to film in Bujumbura and the surrounding areas. We took shots of the lake, the open market, and the central business hub. We also took general shots of the city –  growth, construction, traffic, people using the Internet in both the city and in rural areas.  And we covered local success stories, schools, and even local entertainment with dancing and drumming.


Stark Crew provided local expertise combined with one-on-one global production support.

LOCAL EXPERTISE: Stark Crew provided Facebook with a FIXER. What’s a fixer? A fixer in the video industry refers to a local expert with local know-how, resources, and skills to specifically help video crews from abroad. Their know-how relies on years of experience working in local video production. As such, they can help solve any creative or logistical problems that may arise. Their knowledge of available resources helps foreign crews to find:

*the best locations for shooting

*best accommodations

*best places to eat (especially for folks with special diets)

They also help process permits and visas, as well as leverage their personal contacts to navigate and overcome any complications.

Finally, their practical skills come in very handy as a driver, translator, and cultural liaison to make sure things go smoothly. Our customers also decided they wanted some drone shots. So it’s a good thing our fixer had his own drone and was a great drone pilot as well!

GLOBAL SUPPORT:  From our UK office, our Global Video Success Manager Sian Evans was in constant contact via phone, email, and WhatsApp. He smokes signals at all times, making sure everyone had everything they needed The communication was clear, instructions were concise, and that the project went without a hitch.


We covered all of the logistics, employed the full local support of our fixer and the global support of our video success manager.  Hence, our customers from Facebook and Caruso Company were able to focus on what they do best: Creative Filming. They were able to feel totally relaxed and comfortable while the Stark Crew team worked on-the-scene and behind-the-scenes. Everything was done to make sure the experience for them was enjoyable and productive.

  • Facebook & Caruso company needed help with video production logistics in Burundi, Africa
  • Stark Crew provided them with both Global Support and a Local Expert to provide security, transportation, and recommend restaurants and refreshments. We also helped them process and secure permits, waivers, posters, translations, accreditations, and permissions. And we provided them access to real people in real life settings to achieve the best shots and interviews.
  • Stark Crew also provided them with a Drone and Drone Pilot
  • Facebook & Caruso company were able to successfully film their project in a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere

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