
Case study: Kenya video production for Goldwala





ABOUT:  Goldwala is a collection of award-winning visual creatives and production experts


Our customer Goldwala was working on a video production to highlight a partnership between TIME TO CHANGE  and MIND. TIME TO CHANGE is a mental health campaign in England that works to reduce mental health-related stigma and discrimination. MIND, on the other hand, is a mental health charity in England and Wales. They offer information and advice to people with mental health problems. Mind also lobbies government and local authorities on their behalf.

As part of this video production, Goldwala needed to shoot three interviews with contributors in Nairobi, Kenya. They needed their contributors to be filmed on white or black backdrops. In other worldwide locations, they had been shooting on a Sony AS7. This time, they needed the Nairobi footage to look similar to what they had already shot in other countries. In fact, they were specific that we send the video files to them in PRORES h.264.

One big challenge was that this was an urgent shoot – they wanted to shoot in only five days! But an even bigger challenge was that as this was a charity initiative, the company had an extremely limited budget.


Stark Crew immediately contacted our video production crew in Nairobi to lock down availability for the shoot day. Considering the customer’s extremely tight budget,  Stark Crew confirmed a two-person crew. Crew member #1 was a “one-man-band” Cameraman/Director/Producer. In other words, what usually is three separate people, we combined into one very well-rounded, versatile, video production professional. We usually do not recommend attaching so much responsibility to just one person, but if the budget is very tight, it’s a solution we can offer. After all, we know we have a person who is well-rounded enough.

Crew member #2 was a sound technician. As far as video gear, Stark Crew provided a Sony AS7 camera. This perfectly matches the camera that the customer used on other shoots for this project. We also came up with a small lighting kit and interview sound kit. Moreover, Stark Crew provided a studio space with white and black backdrops as the customer requested.


Our customer in London got the interviews they needed in Kenya with only 5 days of preparation. Because Stark Crew shot the footage with the exact same camera and file formats that the customer had been shooting within other locations, and because we used the same kind of backdrops for the interviews, the footage matched perfectly so that they could edit the Kenya footage together with it seamlessly. Stark Crew was extremely fast in delivering the video footage to Goldwala via the Internet.


  • A production company in London needed to urgently shoot interviews in a studio in Nairobi, Kenya on a tight budget
  • The footage matched the Sony AS7 shots that our customers did in other countries
  • Stark Crew provided a small crew within the budget, including a studio space
  • Stark Crew shot the interviews on a Sony AS7 with the same kind of studio backdrops
  • The footage perfectly matched the other interviews that our customer shot around the world
  • Our customer was extremely happy with both the service and the footage
  • All in all, Stark Crew provides everything that a video production company  needs in Nairobi, Kenya

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