
Case study: Cape Verde Video production for EU commission



ABOUT: Scholz & Friends is one of Europe’s largest advertising agencies. Based in Berlin, the company was founded in Hamburg by Jürgen Scholz, Uwe Lang and Michael Menzel in 1981.  They needed for their video production in Praia, Cape Verde

THE CHALLENGE – Video Production in Praia

Shoot & Edit a video production of the Horizon 2020 conference in Praia, Cape Verde. Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation program.


Stark Crew provided a talented locally-based video production team: One director/producer, one camera operator, and one sound technician. They came with cameras, sound gear, and lights. In addition, Stark Crew also edited the video, including graphics, music, and subtitles.

The Stark Crew video team filmed speakers and captured one-on-one interviews with experts. Our team also gave general coverage to people attending the event and filmed audience reactions. Outside, the Stark Crew video team shot “beauty shots” of the city of Praia and the events center. This included shooting high up in the sky with a drone as well. Afterward, our team on the ground quickly edited the video with cool graphics and engaging music. Moreover, we also transcribed and translated the speeches so we could subtitle the video in English.


Stark Crew was able to offer our customer a simple one-stop-shop solution:

  • We provided them with a professional, locally-based video crew
  • We also edited the video
  • Our local video team took care of everything on the ground
  • Stark Crew’s head office Global Video Success Manager stayed in constant contact with our customer to keep them updated.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The result was a streamlined process that made the entire experience fast, easy, and convenient for our customer.
  • Scholz & Friends needed a partner to shoot and edit an event video in Praia, Cape Verde.
  • The event in question was Horizon 2020,  the biggest EU Research and Innovation program. Therefore, the video team had to be very professional and talented.
  • Stark Crew provided a highly-trained, locally-based video crew in Praia, Cape Verde. Our Video Success Managers in Madrid supported the locally-based video crew. This was to ensure the shoot goes off without a hitch.
  • After the event, the footage was quickly edited by our locally-based team in Praia.
  • Finally, the video was delivered to Stark Crew’s customer who was very happy with the result.


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