
Stark Crew provides a Berlin camera crew for Penfolds Wine tasting event

Seeking a camera crew in Berlin? No problem!
When the UK branch of global wine company TWE wanted to film and produce a wine tasting event in Berlin recently they had some clear objectives in mind.  They wanted a production crew who would:
– Interview key industry professionals
-Document comments from the expert tasters
-Capture the essence of this high-profile event.
Lastly, but very importantly, they wanted a premium production crew who would give a taste of the beautiful and elegant location where Penfolds- one of the leading Australian wine producer’s wines- were being sampled.
However, they faced a problem in how to undertake the project as they are based in the UK.  They had two options:
1- Hire a local Berlin production crew
2- Fly a UK production crew over to Berlin
The first option would have meant investing significant time and money researching and selecting a provider.  And in addition to this, they could face unpredictable service as they would be unfamiliar with the provider.
The second option- for TWE to fly a UK production crew to Berlin- would allow them to work with a  trusted and familiar crew but the cost of flights, accommodation, local ground transport, meals and all the crew’s other expenses would be substantial.
So what to do?
TWE decided that their best option was to hire Stark Crew as  we manage hundreds of video specialists around the globe. Stark Crew offers consistent,  predictable and good customer service and high quality results. As one customer put it, Stark Crew seems to be “the Starbucks of video production.”
Stark Crew specialize in stream-lined video production for global companies who want to ensure quality and standardization in all their videos, no matter where in the world they are produced.  And Stark Crew have over 600 English-speaking video specialists in dozens of global locations who are experts at producing these premium quality, corporate videos.
Stark Crew’s camerawoman and producer, Claire Williams, was the specialist on hand to film and produce at the prestigious Penfolds event.  As a British ex-pat living in Berlin, Claire is passionate about the beauty, diversity and elegance of the city and wanted to accentuate this in her shoot.  She was also quite excited to try some of the wines on offer!  “The highlight of the event has to be tasting one of Penfolds vintage wines which was made in the 1950s. It is the oldest and probably the nicest wine I’ve ever tasted” said Claire.
TWE will be using Stark Crew’s videos as part of a promotional video about their world-wide wine tour, due to be released early next year.
And when asked for her final thoughts on the project Claire said, “I am very happy with the outcome.  We managed to fulfill the client’s expectations and I thoroughly enjoyed working with them and with Stark Crew.”

If you’d like a free consultancy about this content, feel free to contact us at

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