
Stark Crew- What we want you to remember about us

“If you need an easy-to-work with team that can produce engaging global interviews anywhere in the world, anytime, don´t even think about it. Call Stark Crew. We know we will!” – Siri Hirzel, Marketing Manager Switzerland, UBER

Stark Crew started out as a very general global video production company, but over the years we’ve evolved into a very niche global video production company.
What’s our niche? Two words: Global Video Interviews.
Facebook, Taco Bell, and Uber are just a few of the clients that have counted on us for global video interviews. Stark Crew specializes in three types of global video interviews, which we can produce anywhere in the world, anytime, via our team of 1000+ local video crews:
1. Client Testimonials: While the persuasive power of written testimonials is well recognized, their power increases with video. The numbers don’t lie: cites a ComScore study that said that customers are 64% more likely to buy a product online after watching a video. These users will spend an average of two minutes more on a website if they look at a video. Whether B2C or B2B, adding video client testimonials will further cement your company’s credibility. The teaser for our latest collaboration with Uber plays on the traditional client testimonial as a form of branded content:

2. C-Suite Level Thought Leadership: According to Forbes, a thought leader has a two-part definition. First, “[a] thought leader is an individual or firm that prospects, clients, referral sources, intermediaries and even competitors recognize as one of the foremost authorities in selected areas of specialization, resulting in its being the go-to individual or organization for said expertise.” The second part mentions that thought leaders can take advantage of being recognized as thought leaders. In the context of our interviews, this is mainly for confidential internal purposes. That said, we do have a few public samples. This example from Taco Bell highlights best practices from its best international franchisee:
3. Expert & Influencer Insights: According to the Cambridge English Dictionary, insight is defined as “(the ability to have) a clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation.” In the case of Facebook, Stark Crew produced videos with outside stakeholders who help enhance the work that Facebook is doing in certain aspects of public policy. This example is a collection of video interviews we compiled with various stakeholders involved in data privacy, including now US Senator Kamala Harris of California:

There is often cross-over in all of these categories. For example, a testimonial video may include elements of thought leadership and expert insights, while an expert insights video may include elements of a video testimonial. But in the end, they’re all global interviews aligned with our clients’ goals.
Now that we’ve broken down our niche and shown you some examples, what do we do with these interviews?
First and foremost, we are a full-service video agency, meaning that we don’t just specialize in shooting the footage. We take care of all the post-production in-house ourselves. In post-production, we can edit your interviews in several ways. First, we can just edit the interviews as individual pieces. Or, we can also combine the interviews with b-roll (this is footage that could be of offices interiors, exteriors, and other relevant images that we can place in between the interviews). With this b-roll, we can combine all the footage into micro-documentaries or branded content that you can either share as part of your overall content marketing campaign or internally amongst your team.
The moral of the story: Stark Crew = your team for global interviews
The future of Stark Crew is going to be more specialized in global interviews. Client testimonials, C-Suite level thought leadership, and expert/influencer insights.
So when you think of Stark Crew, think “GLOBAL INTERVIEWS.”
Thanks for keeping us on your radar and have a great weekend.

#StarkTips: Native Video 101

Case Study: How Stark Crew Produces Global Interviews for Facebook Around the World